The World Security Institute (WSI) is a non-profit organization committed to independent research and journalism on global affairs and security. Since 1972, the Institute (and its forerunner, CDI) has provided expert commentary and analysis to vast audiences in multiple languages, using print and new-media outlets. Its work is supported by thousands of individuals and charitable foundations.


Bruce G. Blair

President, World Security Institute

Alan H. Fleischmann

Managing Director, The ImagineNations Group, Washington, D.C.

John Fullerton

Aspen, Colo.

James D. Head, Ph.D.

President, Strategy Development Company, Freeland, Mich.;

Robert M. Meyers, M.D.

Deerfield, Ill.; Chairman of the Board, WSI

Philip A. Straus, Jr.

Photographer, Philadelphia, Pa.

James V. Wertsch, Ph.D.

Marshall S. Snow Professor in Arts and Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo.