WSI in the NEWS

A compilation of recent press citations and interviews with or about our staff or projects. Links are provided to the full-text of each piece.

March 8, 2012 – March 14, 2012

1.    Inside the Pentagon, “Pentagon Inspector General Details Plans For F-35 Quality Review,” March 8, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2.    The Nation, “Nuclear Bunkum,” March 11, 2012 (cites Global Zero)

3.    Valdai Discussion Club, “The beginning of a new Putin’s era,” March 12, 2012 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

4.    Time, “Global Hawk: “Thar She Blow$!” March 13, 2012 (by Winslow Wheeler)

5.    Aviation Week, “China Sets Plan For Moon Rocket Engine,” March 13, 2012 (cites Eric Hagt)

March 1, 2012 – March 7, 2012

1. Time, “4. Keeping Track of the Drones,” March 1, 2012 (by Winslow Wheeler)

2. Time, “5. Revolutionary…Or Routine?” March 2, 2012 (by Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: Eric Palmer Blog]

3. Defense Systems, “More cash for less flash: Reaper UAVs said much more costly than manned aircraft,” March 2, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

4. Government Executive, “Pentagon seeks to strengthen acquisition workforce,” March 2, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: National Newswire Service]

5. ABC News Radio, “Air Force Shelves $3B Worth of Brand New Drones,” March 2, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: Mason County Daily News]

6. RIA Novosti, “Putin Goes 'All-Out', Zyuganov 'Turns Pink' in Election Campaign – Experts,” March 2, 2012 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

7. Boston Globe, “Pentagon accused of end run on budget cuts: Shifting billions rather than trim,” March 3, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

8. Wired News, “Pentagon Helps New Stealth Fighter Cheat on Key Performance Test,” March 5, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

9. Spiegel Online, “Tearful Putin Celebrates Victory Amid Fraud Claims,” March 5, 2012 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

February 22, 2012 – February 29, 2012

1. American Vision News, “The real defense budget: way bigger than we’re told,” February 22, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

2. San Angelo Standard Times, “Cuts to Air Force in BRAC plans,” February 22, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: The Republic, Standard-Examiner]

3. Havelock News, “No government waste with this project,” February 23, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

4. The Wall Street Journal, “Putin, Addressing Rally, Casts Himself as Unifier,” February 24, 2012 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

5. Scoop Independent News, “Information Age Arms Control: The ‘Getting to Zero’ Toolbox,” February 24, 2012 (cites Global Zero)

6. Time, “Incoming! Facts and Figures on the Reaper Drone,” February 27, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

7. CNN, “Questioning drones takeover of air warfare,” February 27, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

8. The Power Vertical Blog, “Your Own Personal Putin,” February 27, 2012 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

9. Time, “1. Revisiting the Reaper Revolution,” February 27, 2012 (by Winslow Wheeler)

10. Time, “2. The MQ-9′s Cost and Performance,” February 28, 2012 (by Winslow Wheeler)

11. The Moscow Times, “Putin Bristles at West In Foreign Policy Text,” February 28, 2012 (cites Nikolai Zlobin) [reprinted: The St. Petersburg Times]

12. The Huffington Post, “Drone War Costs: Air Force's Reported Budget Savings Come Under Scrutiny,” February 28, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

13. Russia beyond the Headlines, “Putin 2.0: Insight from experts,” February 28, 2012 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

14. Time, “3. Finding the Right Targets,” February 29, 2012 (by Winslow Wheeler)

Februrary 16, 2012 – February 22, 2012

1. National Catholic Reporter, “Spending on nuclear weapons to dip, but just a bit,” February 15, 2012 (cites Global Zero) 

2. New Haven Register, “Yale student summit focuses on eliminating world’s nuclear arsenal; former CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson to speak,” February 15, 2012 (cites Global Zero)

3. Yale Daily News, “Valerie Plame Wilson: ex-spy, activist, global player,” February 17, 2012 (cites Global Zero)

4. Yale Daily News, “Global Zero arrives at Yale,” February 17, 2012 (cites Global Zero)

5. AOL Defense, “Which Pentagon Budget Numbers Are Real? You Decide!” February 17, 2012 (by Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: Vermont Commons Blogs]

6. New Haven Register, “Yale summit warns of growing nuclear dangers,” February 18, 2012 (cites Global Zero)

7. Abilene Reporter-News, “BRAC is back: Next round will focus on infrastructure excess to cut military expense,” February 18, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

8. The Arab-American News, “Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities easier said than done?” February 19, 2012 (by David Isenberg)

9. Daily Mail, “Powerful states lecturing Iran already have deadly weapon arsenals,” February 20, 2012 (cites Global Zero)

10. The Atlantic, “The Real Defense Budget,” February 20, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: Antiwar, Indy In Asia]

11. Financial Times, “Pentagon cuts could cost US more money,” February 20, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

Februrary 9, 2012 – February 15, 2012

1. AOL Defense, “An Insider's Guide To Decoding the Pentagon Budget,” February 9, 2012 (by Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: Public Intelligence Blog and Counter Punch]

2. Counter Punch, “Why Geo-Engineering Is Like the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: Climate Science Goes Megalomaniacal,” February 9, 2012 (by Chuck Spinney)

3. Yale Daily News, “Nuclear’s back with new clarity,” February 10, 2012 (cites Global Zero)

4. Spiegel International, “The Risk that Nuclear Weapons Will Be Used Is Growing,” February 10, 2012 (cites Global Zero)

5. Bloomberg, “Pentagon Budget Calls for Two Fewer of Lockheed’s F-35 Fighters,” February 13, 2012 (cites Center for Defense Information)

6. The Washington Times, “Replacement of war-worn equipment cut in budget: Plan trims funds for guns, ships, jet fighters,” February 13, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

7. San Francisco Chronicle, “Obama's defense cuts are a drop in the bucket,” February 14, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

8. The Moscow Times, “Putin's Besieged Fortress,” February 15, 2012 (by Nikolai Zlobin)

Februrary 2, 2012 – February 8, 2012

1. CBS, “Norm Serves Justice For Marriage Equality,” February 2, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2. US News, “Mitt Romney's 15-Warship Plan Faces Political Torpedoes,” February 3, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

3. Financial Times, “Call to scale back nuclear weapons in Europe,” February 3, 2012 (cites Global Zero) [reprinted: IBN Live] 

4. BBC News, “Tactical nuclear weapons ‘are an anachronism’,” February 3, 2012 (cites Global Zero)

5. The Guardian, “New push to remove tactical nuclear weapons from, Europe,” February 3, 2012 (cites Global Zero)

6. Reuters, “Group urges end to tactical nukes in Europe,” February 3, 2012 (cites Global Zero) 

7. Bloomberg, “Russia and U.S. Should Cut European Atomic Arsenals, Study Says,” February 3, 2012 (cites Global Zero)

8. Public Intelligence Blog, “One Colonel Tells the Truth – Major Investigation Called For + Meta-RECAP,” February 6, 2012 (by Winslow Wheeler)

9. The Wall Street Journal, “Kremlin Resorts to Anti-Americanism,” February 6, 2012 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

10. The Voice of Russia, “Putin, analysts discuss hot political issues,” February 7, 2012 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

January 24, 2012 – February 1, 2012

1. The Atlantic, “How a Nuclear War Would Start in the Middle East,” January 24, 2012 (cites Bruce Blair) 

2. Stars and Stripes, “With more details coming, analysts split on new DOD strategy,” January 25, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

3. The News Tribune, “How Iran and Israel could trigger an accidental Armageddon,” January 26, 2012 (cites Bruce Blair)

4. RIA Novosti, “Russians Divided Over Trust on Elections – Pollster Chief,” January 26, 2012 (cites Nikolai Zlobin) 

5. The Moscow Times, “Protest Leaders Skip Duma Round Table,” January 27, 2012 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

6., “Some Pentagon observers question elevated war funding request,” January 27, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

7. Time, “F-35: Out of Altitude, Airspeed, and Ideas — But Never Money,” January 30, 2012 (by Chuck Spinney)

8., “Imagination Can be a Dangerous Thing: Why Iran Must be Denied Nuclear Weapons,” January 30, 2012 (cites Bruce Blair)

9. The Japan Times, “To prepare for nuclear war is to seek the peace of death,” January 31, 2012 (cites Global Zero)

January 19, 2012 – January 25, 2012

1. Fort Worth Star Telegram, “Probation ends for Marines' F-35 model,” January 19, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

2. Bloomberg, “How Iran May Trigger Accidental Armageddon,” January 23, 2012 (cite Bruce Blair)

January 11, 2012– January 18, 2012

1. Public Intelligence Blog, “It’s Not Just the Politicians Who Have Cheapened the Defense Debate,” January 11, 2012 (by Winslow Wheeler)

2. The Washington Times, “New Navy budgets may sink plans for aircraft carriers: Fight is on to save flattop fleet,” January 15, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

3. The Times Tribune, “Area's defense industry shifts focus,” January 16, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: Canadian Business]

4. Maclean’s, “With fighter jet costs, the sky’s the limit: Documents suggest Ottawa sidestepped its own rules to buy aircraft,” January 16, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

January 5, 2012– January 11, 2012

1. C-SPAN, “Q&A with Ward Carroll,” December 15, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2. AOL Defense, “Obama Drops Two MRCs; Invests In ISR, Counter-Terror and Pacific,” January 5, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

3. Democracy Arsenal, “When are Two Wars Not Two Wars?” January 5, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

4. CNN, “Two wars too many?” January 5, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

5. Aviation Week, “Score One For The Bomber Team,” January 5, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

6. KCRW News, “Obama and Panetta Outline Defense Cuts,” January 5, 2012 (interviews Winslow Wheeler)

7. Background Briefing with Ian Masters, “Santorum's Sanctimony; ‘The Tide of War is Receding’; Protecting Predatory Lenders,” January 5, 2012 (interviews Winslow Wheeler)

8. All Voices, “Canada: The JTF feeding the global military industrial complex,” January 5, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

9. The Patriot-News, “Big shift in Obama's new defense strategy could have ripple effect in central Pennsylvania, expert says,” January 6, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

10. Truthout, “Rebuilding the Pentagon Without Fixing Its Crumbling Foundation: Obama's Plan for the US Military,” January 6, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

11. The Hill, “Obama follows in Rumsfeld's footprints,” January 7, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

12. News Hounds, “More Defense Spending! Less For Everything Else!” January 7, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

13. Larouche Pac, “Obama's New Military Strategy: Rumsfeld Redux?” January 8, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

14. Daily Kos, “Obama administration's proposed cuts in Pentagon spending welcome, but only a small first step,” January 8, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

15. Counter Punch, “Descent into Deepest Ignominy: The Heritage Foundation Then and Now,” January 9, 2012 (by Thomas Christie, Pierre Sprey, Chuck Spinney and Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: Time, The Huffington Post]

16. UN Chronicle, “If You Want the Peace of the Dead, Prepare for Nuclear War,” January 10, 2012 (cites Global Zero)

17. Ink Spots, “Defense politics: a lot of the time, what ought to matter most doesn't matter at all,” January 11, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

December 22, 2011– January 4, 2012

1. The Christian Science Monitor, “Great leap forward for China's military? China gets GPS,” December 28, 2011 (cites Eric Hagt) 

2. Counterpunch, “The ET War With China: The New Space Race,” December 30, 2011 (cites Eric Hagt and Matt Durnin)

3. Time, “The `K Street Clausewitz’ Remembered,” December 30, 2011 (by Chuck Spinney)

4. The Wall Street Journal, “Space Report Touts Tech, Tiptoes Around Military Uses,” December 30, 2011 (by Matt Durnin)

5. Front Page Magazine, “Ron Paul’s Soros Defense Plan,” January 2, 2012 (cites Winslow Wheeler and Center for Defense Information, re: funding from Open Society Institute, Drew's note:  "we did receive a 1st OSI grant last year, but it was for Johnson’s Russia List.")

6. Eurasia Review, “China In Outer Space: A Strategy For Global Supremacy?” January 3, 2012 (cites World Security Institute)

December 14, 2011– December 21, 2011

1. HULIQ, “Republicans want Iran action, while film warns how nuclear Armageddon looms,” December 14, 2011 (cites Countdown to Zero) 

2. The Guardian, “Nine years of war in Iraq leaves US with little appetite for fighting,” December 14, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

3. Los Angeles Times, “Pilot is to blame for F-22 crash in Alaska, Air Force says,” December 15, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: Anchorage Daily News]

4. AFP, “US faces more headaches with F-35 fighter jet,” December 15, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

5. Television networks Rossiya 1, Rossiya 24, RTR-Planet and radio stations Mayak, Vesti FM, and Radio Rossii, “A Conversation with Vladimir Putin (Live Q&A session),” December 15, 2011 (cites Niklai Zlobin)

6. Financial Times, “Self-assessment, Putin-style,” December 16, 2011 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

7. Foreign Policy, “Facts and arguments regarding China’s military,” December 19, 2011 (cites Eric Hagt and Matthew Durnin)

8. National Journal, “Who Has North Korea’s Nuclear 'Football'? Few Have an Answer,” December 20, 2011 (cites Bruce Blair)

9., “Comments re ‘The Center Cannot Hold,” December 20, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

10. AFP, “Troubled F-35 fighter jet gets a boost from Japan,” December 21, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: The Gazette, Canada. com, The Vancouver Sun, etc.]


November 28, 2011– December 14, 2011

1. News Herald, “Latest F-22 contract eyed,” November 28, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

2. National Post, “Cracks found in F-35’s airframe, Pentagon says,” December 2, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

3. The Hill, “Official: JLTV was once on pace to cost $800,000 per vehicle,” December 8, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

4. The Hill, “Marines wade into program management,” December 9, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

5. Army Times, “As Enlisted Ranks Shrink, Brass Adds Top Officers: Gates' initiative to cut admirals, generals slow to kick in,” December 9, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

6. Time, “Is Leon Panetta the Right Man to be Secretary of Defense?” December 13, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: War News Updates]

7. AOL Defense, “Latest F-35 Report: Concurrency Quick Look Review,” December 13, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

8. The Huffington Post, “The Indispensable Choice: Eliminating Nuclear Weapons,” December 14, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

December 1, 2011– December 7, 2011

1. San-Antonio Express-News, “War hero says he objected to Pakistan arms sale,” December 1, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: San Francisco Chronicle]

2. The Economist, “Always more, or else,” December 1, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

3. The Vancouver Sun, “Cracks in airframe latest hurdle for F-35,” December 2, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: Galgary Herald]

4. The Wall Street Journal, “More Tunnels, Yes. More Nukes? Not Necessarily,” December 2, 2011 (by Matt Durnin)

5. Press TV, “Quick Facts: US arms sales to suppressive regimes,” December 4, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

6. The Boston Globe, “Russian voters deliver setback to Putin’s party: Parliamentary elections show gains by rivals,” December 5, 2011 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

7. Time, “If Anything, $700 Billion Underestimates U.S. Nuke Spending in Next Decade,” December 5, 2011 (by Bruce Blair)

8. Sky Talk, “F-35 clearly not ready for prime time,” December 6, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

9. China Digital Times, “‘How Many Nukes Does China Have?’ Revisited,” December 7, 2011 (cites Matt Durnin)


November 17, 2011– November 30, 2011

1. Town Hall, “There's Room to Cut Earmarks From the Defense Budget,” November 17, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

2. Rockford Register Star, “Guest Column: Joint Strike Fighter a waste of money,” November 17, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

3. Flight Global, “New cracks stop vertical landings on some F-35Bs,” November 18, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

4. PBS, “Need to Know, November 18, 2011: The Pentagon: Hard times, hard choices,” November 18, 2011 (interviews Winslow Wheeler)

5. AOL Defense, “Pentagon 'Has Nothing More to Give:' HASC Chair; Bill Coming to Stop Cuts,” November 21, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

6. ABC News, “‘Supercommittee’ Failure Prompts Fear of ‘Devastating’ Pentagon Cuts,” November 21, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

7. CNN, “Hollowed out military or empty threats?” November 21, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

8. The Sydney Morning Herald, “Gillard's uranium-to-India play is a dangerous sellout,” November 21, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

9. The Globe and Mail, “Initial F-35 jets could be unable to track troops, talk to older planes,” November 22, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

10. Eurasia Review, “Space, China’s Tactical Frontier?” November 25, 2011 (cites Eric Hagt and Matthew Durnin)

11. Reuters, “F-35 makes headway amid criticism, US budget crunch,” November 25, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

12. Global Security Newswire, “Medvedev Says U.S. Forcing European Missile Defense,” November 28, 2011 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

13. Government Executive News, “Navy's amphibious fleet could fall short of goals, CBO says,” November 28, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

14. Bloomberg, “Panetta ‘Doomsday’ Scenario May Exaggerate Cuts,” November 28, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

15. News Herald, “Latest F-22 contract eyed,” November 28, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

16. Gazette, “Lockheed can transform itself,” November 30, 2011 (cites World Security Institute)


November 10, 2011 – November 16, 2011

1. The Wall Street Journal, “Pakistan's Nuclear Albatross,” November 10, 2011 (cites Global Zero) 

2. The Jerusalem Post, “Confronting Iran,” November 10, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

3. The Asian Age, “Why is US peddling a hangar queen?” November 10, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

4. RIA Novosti, “Russian Press - Behind the Headlines,” November 10, 2011 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

5. The Wall Street Journal, “China Adds a Spyglass in Space, Hints at More to Come,” November 11, 2011 (by Matt Durnin)

6. Antiwar, “Hawks Lose It Over Supercommittee,” November 15, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


November 2, 2011 – November 9, 2011

1. Reuters, “Naomi Watts ,Valerie Plame Wilson craft ‘No-Nukes’ PSA,” November 2, 2011 (cites Global Zero) 

2. Rupee News, “‘Unaffordable’ US F-35s for India as an alternative to Russian T-50s?” November 2, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

3. Take Part, “Naomi Watts and Valerie Plame Wilson Say ‘Cut Nukes’ (VIDEO),” November 3, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

4. The Peoples Voice, “War Crimes in Libya - The Smoking Guns,” November 3, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

5. AFP, “US military power jeopardized by defense cuts: top officers,” November 3, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

6. Left Foot Forward, “Scrapping Trident for the savings is a losing argument; CND need realistic opposition,” November 4, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

7. The Daily Activist, “Cut Nukes: Watt and Plame team up,” November 5, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

8. The Washington Times, “Critics on left hit Pentagon on talk of budget disasters,” November 6, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

9. The New York Times, “James A. Baker, on Reducing Nuclear Arms,” November 6, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

10. Journal Star, “Letter, 11/8: Consider defense spending,” November 7, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

11. Time Magazine, “Chart Attack,” November 8, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

12. All Things Nuclear, “China’s Earth-Monitoring Satellites,” November 9, 2011 (cites Eric Hagt and Matthew Durnin)


October 24, 2011 – November 2, 2011

1. Defense Tech, “More Problems With The F-35B?” October 24, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

2. Wired News, “Defense Industry: Keep Paying Us or the Economy Dies,” October 26, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

3. Fort Worth Star Telegram, “F-35: The high cost of concurrency,” October 27, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

4. Market Watch, “New Army trucks may cost $350,000 each: GAO Cost inflation continues to plague the Pentagon,” October 27, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

5. Aviation Week, “The Numbers Behind AIA's 1 Million Job Losses,” October 27, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

6. NPR News, “U.S. Dismantles The Biggest Of Its Cold War Nukes,” October 29, 2011 (cites Bruce Blair)

7. The New York Times, “The Bloated Nuclear Weapons Budget,” October 30, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

8. The Daily Reckoning, “Rallies in October from the Past, Present and Future,” October 31, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)


October 18, 2011 – October 26, 2011

1. Public Intelligence Blog, “Winslow Wheeler: Media Plays Dead for Panetta Virus,” October 18, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2. Defense Aerospace, “Op-Ed: Two Myths from Leon Panetta,” October 19, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler) 

3. Counterpunch, “Parrotting Data-Free Myths: The Press and Panetta,” October 19, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: Defence Professionals]

4. Federal News Radio, “With DoD budget cuts, what's the future of the F-35?” October 20, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

5. Defence Professionals, “Some Suggested (and Unreported) Issues on the F-35,” October 21, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

6. Democracy Arsenal, “What's The Matter With (Peter Baker's Profile of) Leon Panetta?” October 24, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

7. The Daily Athenaeum, “Editorial - Troops should also leave Afghanistan,” October 24, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

8. The Moscow Times, “Zeroing In,” October 24, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

9. RP Defense, “More Problems With The F-35B?” October 25, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

10. Defence Professionals, “Outlines Plans to Move Process Forward,” October 25, 2011 (cites Global Zero)


October 12, 2011 – October 19, 2011

1. Scripps News, “Summit aims to reduce nuclear weapons,” October 12, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

2. Ventura County Star, “World leaders urge countries to reduce nuclear weapons,” October 12, 2011 (cites Global Zero) 

3. PR Newswire, “General (Ret.) James Cartwright To Global Zero Summit at The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library: ‘At the end of the day, the goal has to be zero’,” October 12, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

4. Voice of America, “US Defense Chief Says Painful Changes Coming,” October 12, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

5. Global Security Newswire, “Reagan Wished For Total Nuclear Disarmament, Shultz Says,” October 12, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

6. Global Security Newswire, “Conference Approves Declaration on Nuke-Free World,” October 13, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

7. Otago Daily Times, “Fukushima unlikely to stop those with eyes on the prize,” October 13, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

8. Travel Video News, “Sir Richard Branson to Global Governments: Cut Nukes, Not Vital Services,” October 13, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

9. Islamic Republic News Agency, “India may launch global process for ban on N-weapons: Aiyar,” October 14, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

10. The Huffington Post, “Panetta's Frenzied Rhetoric Is Not Stopping the Decay of U.S. Forces,” October 14, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: AOL Defense]

11. Ventura County Star, “Dodge: A 25-year journey from Reykjavik to Ventura County,” October 15, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

12. Nieman Watchdog, “Why is the press ignoring Panetta’s frenzied rhetoric and data-free myths?” October 17, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler)

13. Defense Industry Daily, “Rapid Fire 2011-10-18: NAVAIR Acquisition Guide | US Army Energy Conservation,” October 18, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

14. Antiwar, “Winslow Wheeler Shrugs Off ‘Gadfly’ Epithet,” October 18, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

15. The Huffington Post, “The Bottom Line Case for Zeroing Out Nuclear Weapons,” October 19, 2011 (cites Global Zero)


October 5, 2011 – October 12, 2011

1. AlterNet, “Supercommittee Co-Chair Patty Murray Accepts Award from Defense Industry As She Mulls Cuts To Pentagon Budget,” October 5, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

2. The Washington Post, “Nuclear energy after Fukushima,” October 6, 2011 (cites Global Zero) 

3. Digital Journal, “Former US Secretaries of State George Shultz and James Baker and General (Ret.) James Cartwright to Headline Global Zero Summit at The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library,” October 6, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

4. The Hill, “Sen. Carper to Panetta: Clean up military’s financial management,” October 6, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

5. Reuters, “Analysis: Defense industry eyeing Pentagon's Carter warily,” October 7, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

6. The Associated Press, “Disarmament group to call for nuclear club talks,” October 8, 2011 (cites Global Zero) [reprinted: CBS News, The Sacramento Bee, Nation Wires, etc.] 

7. The Associated Press, “Disarmament group to call for nuclear club talks,” October 8, 2011 (cites Global Zero) [reprinted: Forbes, ABC News, Boston Globe, etc.]

8. Times Union, “Israel was right to intercept ship,” October 10, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

9. The Examiner, “Spending and stubbornness have high costs,” October 10, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

10. The Washington Times, “Ten years in Afghanistan,” October 10, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

11. ABC News, “Reagan-Era Officials Seek Nuclear Free World,” October 10, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

12. New York Post, “Producer zeroes in on danger,” October 10, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

13. Global Security Newswire, “States to Renew Push For Global Nuclear Disarmament,” October 11, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

14. NPR, “No Nukes: Bringing The Right And Left Together,” October 11, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

15. Ventura County Star, “Global Zero Summit pushes to reduce nuclear weapons,” October 11, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

16. Ventura County Star, “Former Secretary of State James Baker calls nuclear elimination achievable,” October 11, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

17. PR Newswire, “Fmr. Secretary of State George Shultz Today at the Global Zero Summit at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library: ‘Let's Get Rid of Nuclear Weapons so We Can Win One More for the Gipper’,” October 11, 2011 (cites Global Zero) [reprinted: Salem-News and Summit County Citizens Voice]

18. The Huffington Post, “Global Zero Nuclear Summit Aims To Eliminate Nuclear Weapons Worldwide,” October 11, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

19. North Jersey, “The Record: Letters, Oct. 11, 2011,” October 11, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

20. RTT News, “Noda Vows ‘Highest Level’ Of Safety In Nuclear Power Generation,” October 12, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

21. The Economic Times, “India may launch global process for ban on N-weapons: Mani Shankar Aiyar,” October 12, 2011 (cites Global Zero)


September 29, 2011 – October 5, 2011

1. AOL Defense, “Elites Are Wrong; Deep Cuts Won't Damage Military,” September 29, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler) 

2. Daily Press, “How hard will defense cuts hit Hampton Roads?” October 2, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

3. DoD Buzz, “A warning on budget ‘elitism’,” October 3, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

4. Truthout, “Waste and Fraud Problems? Cut the Investigators and It Will Disappear!” October 5, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


September 21, 2011 – September 28, 2011

1. AlterNet, “Will Ties to Pentagon Contractors Push ‘Supercommittee’ Democrats to Cut Entitlements?”  September 21, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: Salon]

2. Aol Defense, “Air Force Doesn't Know Aircraft Operations, Maintenance Costs; Audit Needed,” September 21, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler)

3. Bloomberg, “Lew Joins Panetta in Warning of ‘Significant Risk’ to Defense,” September 21, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

4. Time, “Study: Federal Spending on Defense Doesn't Create As Many Jobs As Education Spending,” September 21, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

5. In these Times, “‘The Costs of War’: A Must-Read Study,” September 23, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

6. POGO, “What's the Deal With Aircraft Design Flaws in the Joint Strike Fighter?” September 23, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: Defence Professionals]

7. Kyiv Post, “Putin's presidency may hinder Russia's accession to World Trade Organization,” September 26, 2011 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

8. DoD Buzz, “‘Doomsday Memo’ Ramps up DoD Budget Fight,” September 27, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

9. Truthout, “Department of Defense's Unending Nightmare: Pass an Audit by 2017?” September 28, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

10. Time, “Figures Don't Lie...But...” September 28, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


September 14, 2011 – September 21, 2011

1. Financial Times, “US defence sector attacks further cuts,” September 14, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2. Wall Street Journal, “'Geriatric' U.S. Arsenal Needs Expensive Face-Lift,” September 15, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

3. The Gazette, “Cut nuclear weapons from the budget,” September 16, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

4. Times Record News, “Ex-spy Wilson tells of being outed,” September 16, 2011 (cites Countdown to Zero)

5. Digital Journal, “The unconventional revenge of al-Qaida,” September 16, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

6. Reuters, “China’s growing might adds urgency to Taiwan arms calls,” September 17, 2011 (cites Matt Durnin) [reprinted: Global Security Newswire]

7. Projo, “Defense spending in crosshairs of federal budget negotiations,” September 19, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

8. Defence Professionals, “Flying blind: most USAF aircraft operating costs are unknown,” September 21, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler)


September 1, 2011 – September 14, 2011

1. Fort Worth Star-Telegram, “Granger calls out McCain over F-35 joint strike fighter,”  September 2, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2. Public Intelligence Blog, “Winslow Wheeler: True Cost of Post-9/11 Wars $5T+,” September 6, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: Election 2012 Coverage]

3. Al Jazeera, “How 'War on Terror' changed US allegiances,” September 7, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

4. International Business Times, “Pentagon: More Spending Cuts Would Devastate Defense Industry,” September 7, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

5. Now Magazine, “Ten Years Later: On the Record about 9/11,” September 8, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

6. Boston Review, “Extreme Injury,” September 8, 2011 (cites Bruce Blair)

7. F-35 in South Burlington Blog, “Winslow Wheeler and William Hartung: Military Spending A Poor Job Creator,” September 8, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

8. Japan Times, “'Countdown to Zero': The inconvenient truths behind a nuclear world,” September 9, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

9. The Huffington Post, “The Priceless Price of the Post-9/11 Decade,” September 9, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

10.Nieman Watchdog, “Is there a desirable jobs benefit from defense spending?” September 9, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler)

11.Asbestos, “10th Anniversary of 9/11: We Remember Victims, Heroes and Those Still Suffering,” September 9, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

12.Bloomberg, “Rumsfeld Says Congress May Make ‘Tragic Mistake’ on Defense Cuts,” September 10, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

13.Downsize DC, “Look How Much Fear Has Hurt Us,” September 10, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

14.Dawn, “The decade after 9/11,” September 10, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

15.The New York Times, “In Russian Leadership Battle, Medvedev Hints He Lacks Fire,” September 11, 2011 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

16.The Statesman, “Nuclear energy & proliferation,” September 11, 2011 (cites Global Zero)


August 25, 2011 – August 31, 2011

1. AOL Defense, “CRS Details Debt Deal In Lots and Lots of Detail,” August 25, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2. Fort Worth Star-Telegram, “Cornyn wants more F-35 support from Pentagon nominee,” August 25, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: The Miami Herald]

3. Boston Globe, “The hardest cut: reining in Pentagon spending,” August 27, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

4. USA Today, “Pentagon pays $720M in late fees for storage containers,” August 29, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: The Des Moines Register]

5. USA Today, “DOD racks up $720M in late fees since '01,” August 28, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

6. The Tennessean, “Pentagon racks up $720M in late fees since 2001,” August 29, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

7. Mail Online, “Pentagon wasted $30BN in Iraq and Afghanistan and 'more than $720m on late fees for forgetting to return shipping containers',” August 29, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

8. POGO, “Would You Pay $720 million in Late Fees for These? The Pentagon Did,” August 29, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

9. PolitiFact, “Gingrich Says Defense Spending at Historic Low,” August 29, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

10.Medill National Security Zone, “The death of 30 troops abroad may be a new wake up call for the Obama administration,” August 30, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

11.Asia Times, “Pentagon talks up the China threat,” August 31, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

12.Las Vegas Review-Journal, “Pentagon blows big bucks on late fees,” August 31 (cites Winlsow Wheeler)


August 18, 2011 – August 24, 2011

1. Sentinel Source, “True war costs difficult to pin down,” August 17, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2. Observer Today, “What are they thinking?” August 17, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

3. The Huffington Post, “As Defense Industry Lobbies Against Cuts, Rhetoric Overshoots Reality,” August 18, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

4. UCA News, “Nuclear weapons threaten nation: Activists voice grave fears over arsenals of arch-rivals India and Pakistan,” August 18, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

5. Songs of Space and Nuclear War, “Panetta (and others) on the Budget,” August 19, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

6. Aol Defense, “Pentagon Budget Expert Slams 'Elitist Tripe' on Cuts,” August 19, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler)

7. CNN, “Budget Cutters Eye Pentagon Plane Programs,” August 19, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

8. WJHG, “F-22 Jets at Tyndall and F-35 Jets at Eglin Coming Under Fire From Budget Critics,” August 19, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

9. CNN, “Fighter jets in Pentagon budget cut crosshairs,” August 19, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

10. The Huffington Post, “Chitchat With Leon and Hillary on the Defense Budget,” August 19, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: The Wall Street Journal, CounterPunch, etc.]

11. Detroit Free Press, “War costs may top $3.7 trillion,” August 21, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

12., “Costly jet lacks a mission: Glitch-plagued F-22 conceived in Cold War,” August 21, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

13. Arms Control Wonk, “Fail Safe,” August 23, 2011 (cites Bruce Blair)


August 11, 2011 – August 17, 2011

1. Defense-Aerospace, “Defense Budget Hysteria and Business as Usual – or Reform?” August 9, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler) [reprinted: Huffington Post, August 10]


2. Defense Media Network, “Rewriting the 2011 Defense Budget: Winslow Wheeler,” August 10, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


3. DC Bureau, “Stressed by Two Wars? Take a Cruise,” August 10, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


4. The Huffington Post, “Secretary Panetta and the Doomsday Mechanism,” August 10, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler)


5. Defense Daily, “Analysts Examine Numbers Behind Deficit Deal,” August 10, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


6. The Huffington Post, “Hollow Arguments on Defense,” August 10, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


7. Inside the Pentagon, “Analysts: Debt-Ceiling Law Creates Uncertainty For FY-13 Plans, Beyond,” August 11, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


8. Flightglobal, “US defense sector looks nervously at budget cuts,” August 11, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


9. AllAfrica, “Africa: US Debt Ceiling Debate And the Alternatives,” August 11, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


10. The Hill, “Following criticism, official says spy plane costs are dropping,” August 11, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


11. Come Home America, “Rescuing the Pentagon from ‘Completely Unacceptable’ Spending Cuts,” August 11, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


12. McClatchy, “High costs, malfunctions plague F-22 Raptor fighter jets,” August 11, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


13. The Nation, “Remembering Sen. Mark Hatfield,” August 11, 2011 (cites Global Zero)


14. Political Correction, “Rep. Hunter: Defense Cuts Would Mean That ‘We Can't Go to Israel If They Get Invaded’,” August 12, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


15. Charlotte Observer, “Malfunctions plague F-22 fighter jets,” August, 13, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


16. UPI, “U.S. monitoring al-Qaida ricin poison plot,” August 13, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)


17. Star-Telegram, “F-22 Raptor fighter jet very costly and very little used,” August 13, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler and Thomas Christie)


18. Government Executive, “Pentagon faulted for not collecting contractor debts,” August 15, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 


19. McClatchy, “True cost of Afghan, Iraq wars is anyone's guess,” August 15, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


20. Providence Journal, “Mark Patinkin: Can America afford to go the way of Britain and Rome?” August, 16, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)


21. PressTV, “Pentagon needs reforms at the top,” August 17, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)



July 25, 2011 – August 10, 2011


1. PolitiFact, “Forbes says U.S. defense spending, measured against GDP, is near historic low,” July 25, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2. DC Bureau, “Ex-Navy Secretary Turned Lobbyist Uses $500,000-A-Day Navy Ship to Entertain Business Associates — At Taxpayers’ Expense,” July 25, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

3. Taylor Marsh, “Pres. Obama’s Deficit Debacle, National Security, and Warmaking,” August 3, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

4. The Atlantic, “How Much Does the Debt Deal Really Cut Military Spending?” August 3, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

5. Politics Wire, “Deficit-cutting deal may not dent defense spending as much as anticipated,” August 3, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

6. The Nation, “Will the Pentagon Suffer in the Debt Deal?” August 4, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

7. The Voice of Russia, “Will the USA lose its superpower status?” August 5, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

8. The Voice of Russia, “Pentagon spending cuts: key to effective management,” August 5, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

9. Daily Item, “Valley residents to observe Hiroshima bombing anniversary,” August 5, 2011 (cites Andrew Portocarrero and World Security Institute)

10. Star Telegram, “Future cuts may hit defense industry hard,” August 7, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

11. Los Angeles Times, “Sky-high overruns, safety ills plague jet,” August 7, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

12. The Daily Feed, “Air Force F-22 Raptor Grounding Enters Fourth Month,” August 8, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

13. HuffPost Religion, “Remembering Senator Mark Hatfield,” August 8, 2011 (cites Global Zero)


July 24, 2011 – August 3, 2011

1. Public Intelligence Blog, “Winslow Wheeler: Analysis of US Bases Abroad,” July 24, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler)

2. The Wall Street Journal, “Nuclear Zero? Why Not Nuclear Infinity?” July 30, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

3. Marketplace, “Debt ceiling plan hits defense budget,” August 1, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

4. SignOn, “Debt deal and defense: Analysts weigh in on what's ahead,” August 1, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

5. Politico, “Senate votes on debt deal ... DOD cuts TBD ... House vote splits security hawks ... Mullen warns Iraq on legal protections for U.S. troops ... Libyan rebels fight on through Ramadan,” August 2, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

6. Military, “Defense Buck Doesn't Stop with Debt Deal,” August 2, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler)

7. AolDefense, “Top DoD Buyer Tapped as DepSecDef; Carter Will Oversee Drawdown,” August 2, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

8. AolDefense, “Debt Deal Kicks DoD Budget Decisions Down The Road,” August 2, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler)

9. HuffPost, “Defense Cuts Are Likely, But Their Impact Remains Hard To Predict,” August 2, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

10. Mother Jones, “Why the Debt Deal Won't Hurt the Pentagon,” August 2, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

11. Foreign Policy, “Levin and McCain: We have no idea how much debt deal cuts defense,” August 2, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

12. UPI, “Beijing cracks down in Uighur region,” August 2, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)


July 21, 2011 – July 27, 2011

1. Ceasefire, “How much would you give to stop Harper’s stealth fighters?” July 21, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2. Blog Critics, “This Day in History: Eisenhower on Disarmament and Open Skies,” July 21, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

3. InDepthNews, “Reform of the Global Order Seems a Long Way Off,” July 21, 2011 (cites Bruce Blair)

4. The Voice of Russia, “NATO passes security baton to Afghans,” July 22, 2011 (cites Nikolai Zlobin)

5. DoD Buzz, “A modest proposal for closing U.S. overseas bases,” July 25, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

6. City Weekly, “Warning on satellite war,” July 25, 2011 (cites Eric Hagt)

7. Asia Times, “US in 'denial' over China's Pacific strategy,” July 27, 2011 (cites World Security Institute)

8. The University Times, “Reagan’s legacy and unchecked warmongering have landed US in debt crisis,” July 27, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)


July 13, 2011 – July 21, 2011

1. National Journal, “The Pentagon Premium,” July 14, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2. InDepthNews, “Nukes Are Illegal - But Still Around,” July 15, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

3. The China Post, “A nimble Taiwan can counter 'Assassin's Mace',” July 17, 2011 (cites World Security Institute)

4. Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, “Global Zero and Nuclear Disarmament Activism,” July 19, 2011 (cites Global Zero, Bruce Blair, and Matt Brown)

5. The Chosun ilbo, “Chinese Satellites Pose Threat to U.S. Military Influence,” July 21, 2011 (cites World Security Institute and Eric Hagt)


Additional: July 11, 2011 - July 14, 2011

1. U.S. Department of State, “Meeting of the International Security Advisory Board,” July 12, 2011 (cites Bruce Blair as joining Secretary Clinton's non-partisan international security advisory board) 

2. AolDefense, “China in Space: Not Time for Bright, Shiny Objects,” July 1, 2011 (cites Eric Hagt)

3. Financial Times, “China’s ‘eye-in-the-sky’ nears par with US,” July 11, 2011 (cites World Security Institute and Eric Hagt)


July 8, 2011 – July 13, 2011

1. Axis of Logic, “Canada and the flight of fantasy,” July 8, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2. Crienglish, “Big Dreams for China's Energy 'Golden Zone',” July 8, 2011 (cites World Security Institute)

3. Aol Defense, “House Sidling Up to Major Defense Cuts; Lawmakers Look for a Leader,” July 11, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

4. CNN, “Support Global Zero: Help rid the world of nuclear arms,” July 13, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

5. Chicago Tribune, “Military exemption,” July 13, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

6. Time, “China's Rapid Space Ascent,” July 13, 2011 (by Bruce Blair)


June 30, 2011 – July 8, 2011

1. The Hill, “Defense cuts appear likely as pressure grows to pass a debt deal,” June 30, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2. Truthout, “Leon the Knife or Leon the Ladle: On "Reform," Will Secretary Leon Panetta Go the Way of Past DoD Secretaries?” July 6, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

3. CounterPunch, “The Pentagon Remains Immune,” July 8, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler)

4. Foreign Affairs, “Can Disarmament Work?” July/August Issue (by Bruce Blair, Matt Brown and Richard Burt)


June 20, 2011 – June 29, 2011

1. Press TV, “'Pentagon doesn't know how it spends its money',” June 20, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2. Project on Government Oversight, “Guest Post: Where to Find the Earmarks in the House Defense Appropriations Bill,” June 22, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler)

3. Screen Daily, “A Night Against Nukes,” June 22, 2011 (cites Global Zero) 

4. The Telegraph, “Countdown to Zero: Why we should still worry about the atomic bomb,” June 22, 2011 (cites Global Zero) 

5. Irish Times, “Nuclear threat,” June 22, 2011 (cites Bruce Blair) 

6. Financial Times, “The Road to Zero,” June 22, 2011 (cites Global Zero) *Copyright restrictions prevent our providing link*

7. Financial Times, "Nuclear powers expected to spend $1,000bn," June 19, 2011 (cites Global Zero) *Copyright restrictions prevent our providing link*

8. Business Insider, “Libya May Be NATO's Final Mission If The U.S. Doesn't Cooperate,” June 23, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

9. The Voice of Russia, “Global Zero: establishing a council on nuclear disarmament,” June 23, 2011 (cites Bruce Blair)

10. Guardian, “Countdown to Zero – review,” June 23, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

11. Al Bawaba, “Queen Noor of Jordan interviewed- hopeful but realistic on peace,” June 27, 2011 (cites Global Zero)


June 16, 2011 – June 22, 2011

1. Business Wire, “AOL Announces Launch of AOL Defense,” June 16, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2. The Economist, “Nuclear endgame: The growing appeal of zero,” June 16, 2011 (cites World Security Institute)

3. Guardian, “Lucy Walker: on that bombshell,” June 16, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

4. The Economist, “Nuclear disarmament: Move the base camp,” June 16, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

5. The Docklands, “Countdown argues for a world without nuclear weapons,” June 17, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

6. Reuters Africa, “INTERVIEW-From bomb silo to big screen, an anti-nuclear quest,” June 17, 2011 (cites Bruce Blair)

7. Global Security Newswire, “Nations to Spend $1 Trillion on Nukes, Group Says,” June 20, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

8. Gulf News, “The growing appeal of 'zero',” June 20, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

9. HuffPost Politics, “What Is Gates? Who Is Panetta?" June 21, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler)

10. YonHap News Agency, “N. Korea a 'half-way' nuclear state: Global Zero,” June 21, 2011 (cites Global Zero)

11. The Wall Street Journal, “Defense Sector Sees Delayed Outlay Cuts,” June 22, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

12. The Nation, “Countdown to zero,” June 22, 2011 (cites Bruce Blair)

13. The Voice of Russia, “Russian president hails Global Zero conference,” June 22, 2011 (cites Global Zero)


June 9, 2011 – June 15, 2011

1.The Tri-City News, "NELSON: That $30 billion can be better spent," June 10, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2.Family Security Matters, “Shields and Swords,”  June 11, 2011 (cites Global Zero) 

3.Policy, “Report: DoD testers not to blame for delays,”  June 13, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

4.HuffPost Politics, “From Gates to Panetta: Room for Improvement,” June 13, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

5. Foreign Policy in Focus, “If We Survive the Next 100 Years, Which Came First: Nuclear Abolition or World Peace?”  June 15, 2011 (cites Global Zero)  


May 20, 2011 – June 8, 2011

1. National Defense Magazine, "New Leader Coming to Defense, But Will He Bring 'Adult' Leadership?"  June 7, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

 2. The Hill, "Panetta will deal with a Pentagon bureaucracy that Gates mastered,"  June 7, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

 3. Air Force Times, "Analysts have mixed expectations of Panetta,"  June 7, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

 4. The Hill, "Pentagon testers slam aerial spy drone as unfit for operations," June 6, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

 5. The Hill, "Pentagon inflation indices cost unjustified billions," June 6, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler) 

 6. Sun-Sentinel, "West urges vigilance against China, pirates," June 5, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

 7. Consortium News, "Hailing Gates for Pentagon 'Savings'," June 4, 2011 (by Winslow Wheeler)

 8. Bloomberg Businessweek, "The High Cost of Waging War on Rust," June 2, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

 9. Top Secret Writers, "Chiquita Banana Covered Up Payments to Illegal Colombian Guerrilla Groups," May 31, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

10. The NarcoSphere, "US Drug-War Policy Planting the Seeds of Civil-Society Destruction," May 30, 2011 (cites Center for Defense Information)

11. ABC News, "Military Industrial: Should Pentagon Budget Be Cut?" May 27, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

12., "House passes annual defense bill," May 27, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

13. The Guardian, "Jeremy Heimans, co-founder and CEO, Purpose," June 2, 2011 (Global Zero)

14. ISN, "Understanding Pakistan's Nuclear Rationale," May 26, 2011 (Global Zero)

15. Daily Mail, "Former Secretary of State and diplomat Lawrence S. Eagleburger dies at 80," June 4, 2011 (Global Zero)

16. The Skinny, "June Film Highlights,"  May 31, 2011 (Countdown to Zero)

17. Peterlee Mail, "Cafe joins film's chain reaction," May 31, 2011 (Countdown to Zero)

18. The New York Times, "Uneven Growth for Film Studio With a Message," June 5, 2011 (Countdown to Zero)

19. The Hindu, "Chinese military sets up special cyber warfare unit,"  May 27, 2011 (China Security)


May 5, 2011 – May 19, 2011 

1.The Moscow Times, "A New Brezhnev Doctrine Has Eclipsed the UN," May 17, 2011 (by Nikolai Zlobin)

2.Fort Worth Star Telegram, "F-35 update for Senate panel likely to be upbeat," May 18, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

3.ABC News, "Army Plan to Halt US Tank Production Draws Fire in Congress," May 12, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

4.Washington Examiner, "Obama seeks to parlay bin Laden's demise into expanded defense cuts," May 9, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

5.Toronto Star, "F-35 fighter falls short in flying range, Pentagon report says," May 13, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler) 

6.Financial Times, "Obama defence cuts under fire," May 11, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

7.Al-Arabiya, "US says $750 million spent on Libya, as NATO jets target Qaddafi compound," May 12, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

8.Reuters India, "F-35 fighter faces range shortfall - pentagon report," May 13, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

9.Foreign Policy, "Officials: Tauscher not demoted, still in charge of missile defense," May 6, 2011 (Global Zero)    


April 28, 2011 – May 4, 2011

 1. CounterPunch, "Careerism and Psychopathy in the U.S. Military," April 29, 2011 (citesWinslow Wheeler)

 2., "China unveils its space station," May 4, 2011 (cites Eric Hagt)

 3. Daily Reckoning - American Edition, "A War of Diminishing Returns," May 3, 2011 (Center for Defense Information)

 4. Wisconsin State Journal, "George Hagenauer: Pentagon waste needs serious examination," May 1, 2011 (Center for Defense Information)

 5. Forbes, "Bursting the Defense Bubble: End The Entitlement Mentality," April 30, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

 6. Barron's, "Grow Up Guys!" April 30, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

 7. Auburn Journal, "A Crack Team in Washington," May 2, 2011 (Winslow Wheeler)

 8. LOCAL2 Sault Ste. Marie, "F-35 Cost Projections Soar - Provenzano," April 28, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

 9. Crosscut, "What will alarm Americans about nuclear weapons?" April 29, 2011 (Global Zero)

10. Centre for Research on Globalization, "The F-35A Joint Strike Fighter: 'A Stealthy Price' for Canada," April 27, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)


April 20, 2011 – April 27, 2011

1. The Denver Post, "Coffman's proposed military cuts face strong opposition," April 21, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)

2. The National Interest, "Planning vs. Reality in the Pentagon," April 21, 2011 (Center for Defense Information)
3. Global Research, "The F-35A Joint Strike Fighter: 'A Stealthy Price' for Canada,"  April 27, 2011 (Winslow Wheeler)

4., "Canadian F-35 Documentary - Watch live streaming," April 21, 2011 (Winslow Wheeler)
5. The Vancouver Sun, "Harper shrugs off DND's admission that cost of fighters has risen," April 26, 2011 (Winslow Wheeler)

6. Chicago Sun Times, "No deficit in dollars to finance Libya war," April 22, 2011 (cites Winslow Wheeler)
7., "Joanne Shenandoah contributes to 'Path to Zero' project, to perform at Pete Seeger's Clearwater Festival," April 27, 2011 (Global Zero) 

8. American Chronicle, "Support Growing for Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty," April 27, 2011 (Global Zero)

9. Vedomosti, "Global Security: Playing International Politics," April 25, 2011 (byNikolai Zlobin)