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Scholar Spotlight

Bruce G. Blair

Bruce G. Blair is the president of the World Security Institute, a nonprofit organization that he founded in 2000 to promote independent research and journalism on global affairs.

4 April 2008


WSI Caucasus Project

Lilit Petrosyan, Director

South Caucasus is a region that has taken on new importance in the 21st century. The region is at the crossroads of trade and energy routes and is strategically located in close proximity to Russia, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Therefore, any destabilizing and harmful processes in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia pose an immediate threat not only of regional importance, but also bear political, economic and security consequences of international magnitude. Among the main problems in the region are unresolved intra- and interstate conflicts, the difficult political and economic situation, and the growing mutual distrust and animosity among the three Caucasus states. All these issues hinder regional cooperation, which is one of the key prerequisites for consistent economic growth, political stability and security in the South Caucasus.

In an effort to address the issue of regional integration and foster mutual trust among the three South Caucasus republics, the World Security Institute, in collaboration with the Washington University in St. Louis, established the WSI Caucasus Project. This is a comprehensive multidisciplinary initiative that aims to defeat the barriers preventing Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia from cooperating and build bridges of tolerance and understanding between the communities of these three states. The WSI Caucasus Project’s goal is to create regional networks at different levels of the society that would promote the cooperative tendencies among the nationals of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. To facilitate its efforts in the region, the WSI Caucasus Project has established strategic partnerships with several regional organizations. Project’s efforts are also supported and guided through its advisory board, comprised of prominent politicians and experts. For the complete list of WSI Caucasus Project Advisory Board and Partner Organizations, click here.

The WSI Caucasus Project mainly works with the young generation of the Caucasus, which is more open and receptive to progressive ideas. The essential venue, through which the WSI Caucasus Project creates its network of distinguished and promising Armenian, Azeri and Georgian young professionals, is the WSI Caucasus Fellowship. The fellowship intends to bring together young representatives of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to work in cooperation and create a joint product – something quite uncommon in the Caucasus nowadays. To learn more about their work and also the experiences of the first group of Fellows, please follow the link below.

Another initiative of the WSI Caucasus Project is the Caucasus Context journal, which was first launched in Spring 2007. The journal will be published quarterly, primarily in electronic format, and will address a diverse array of issues pertinent to the three South Caucasus republics. For more information on how to obtain free electronic copies of the Caucasus Context and subscribe to its future issues, please see the information below.

The WSI Caucasus Project is an effort to establish citizen-to-citizen contacts among neighboring, and in many instances rival countries, by harnessing the energies of the progressive young generation. This generation tends to look beyond subjective local interests and envision the benefits that a unified Caucasus could bring to their countries. Improved relations at the public level will ultimately lead to better chances for resolving the existing regional conflicts and problems in the future.

  • Meet the WSI Caucasus Fellows
  •  NEW! Caucasus Context, Policy Journal 

    In 2007, the World Security Institute's Caucasus Project launched a new electronic publication, the Caucasus Context, which addresses a diverse array of issues pertinent to the three South Caucasus republics, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, on a biannual basis.



  Click here to download Caucasus Context, Vol. 4, No. 1, Spring 2007 (PDF).

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Pulitzer Center Featured as Finalist for Game Changers Award by We Media

Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting Director Jon Sawyer introduces the Game Changers Award finalist Pulitzer Center and its initiatives on the We Media website in an essay, along with two video clips.

12 December 2008


"Project: Report" Event at American University on Jan. 11, 2009

Come join the Pulitzer Center in an evening of films from "Project: Report" on Sunday, Jan. 11, 2009 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at American University's Harold and Sylvia Greenberg Theatre, 4200 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Washington, D.C.

22 December 2008


Advance Preview of America's Defense Meltdown

In response to media coverage about "America's Defense Meltdown," the Center for Defense Information presents this limited opportunity for a full preview of the new anthology by 13 non-partisan Pentagon insiders, retired military officers & defense specialists.

20 November 2008