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Books and Monographs

For more information on WSI publications, please contact:

Neither Shall the Sword: Conflict in the years ahead

CDI's Straus Military Reform Projects presents a new monograph by Chet Richards (USAF, Ret), (Center for Defense Information Press, January 2006, 94pp).

China's Energy Security: Strategic Choices and Tradeoffs

Presented by Bruce Blair, Lily Chen, and Eric Hagt at the "Shanghai Forum 2005: Energy, IT and Finance," Shanghai Exhibition Center, Shanghai, China.

The 'Easternization' of Europe's Security Policy

Edited by Tomas Valasek, director of the institute's Brussels office, and Olga Gyarfasova editors, (Press Office, October 2004, 72 pp.)

Future Security in Space: Charting a Cooperative Course

CDI director Theresa Hitchesn details a comprehensive approach to the near-and mid-term problems facing users of outspace. (Center for Defense Information Press, October 2004, 108 pp.)

The Wastrels of Defense: How Congress Sabotages U.S. Security

CDI senior advisor, Winslow Wheeler, argues that since Sept. 11, 2001, the conduct of the U.S. Congress has sunk to new depths and endangered the nation's security. Wheeler tells how members of Congress divert money from essential war-fighting accounts to pay for pork in their home states. (Naval Institute Press, October 2004, 282 pp)